Ice cream would be anyone's favorite foods, especially children. However, these foods secretly created many problems for some audience. For example, there are people who become ill head as she felt the cold sensation of ice cream. There is also a throat so sore after eating ice cream. Or, still remember when your mother forbids you to eat ice cream and say, "Do not eat ice was yes, you're more cough?"
Is it true that ice cream is the cause of it all? What are the phenomena caused by ice cream?
Headache and sore throat
An issue of Harvard Women's Health Watch in 2009 had explained that cold temperatures cause blood pressure to shrink, and quickly enlarged again. Nearby pain receptors will then trigger the trigeminal nerve as pain signals. One way to restore the pain is to arch the tongue, then pressed on the palate. Or, eat it slowly.
When you are finished coughing after eating ice cream (or other cold drinks), this is likely to be caused by changes in temperature caused. As a result, the airways become irritated. Another possibility, because dairy products typically affect Lius water, and this can cause a thick mucus, which can irritate the back of the throat. That's when you feel like coughing.
However, the opposite of what you think, according to pediatricians ice cream it can reduce pain in the throat. However, it should be known in advance, if sore throat is caused by a viral infection, or bacterial infection? If the cause is viral infection, the pain will go away by itself. While if the cause is bacterial infection, you need antibiotics to cure it.
Well, according to Russell Steele, MD, professor and vice chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, if you're experiencing is inflammation due to viral infection, ice cream works better than any food to relieve the pain.
Often, sore throat occurs because your immune system is disturbed. At a time like this, you need to eat foods that are freshly cooked, nutritious food that will give you the strength to fight the infection. You also need to avoid foods that can irritate the throat, like chocolate or candy (when swallowed). Likewise, acidic foods like lemon juice, cranberry juice, or pickled cucumbers. Sometimes, spicy foods are also useful, thanks to his capcaisin content. However, its effect on every person is different. You may be less suited to spicy food.
The recommended food is soft, like chicken soup, and of course ice cream earlier. Lucinda Halstead, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Otolaryngology and Communicative Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, suggested to mute the first ice cream at room temperature several minutes before serving.
"Anything that is too cold, can be uncomfortable when swallowed," he said. Except, if you or your child can tolerate the cold.
See also:
Dim Sum
Kamis, 02 Desember 2010
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
Restoran dengan Menu Rumahan Ala Jepang
Inilah menu rumahan ala Jepang: semangkuk nasi organik dan lauknya berupa hidangan okazu atau ikan laut semacam makarel, salmon, atau tuna yang dipanggang atau digoreng dengan bumbu saus miso, dashi, atau kecap Jepang.
Untuk pelengkapnya, ada asinan, sup, dan sayuran. Atau bisa juga dicoba hidangan serupa dengan ikan makarel panggang yang disajikan dengan parutan lobak Jepang.
Lho, kok hidangan itu tak berbeda dengan hidangan rumahan Indonesia, ya? Apa kabar Sushi, sashimi, dan sukiyaki khas Jepang yang mendunia itu? Nanti dulu, ada cerita menarik dari Restoran Ootoya, tempat makanan rumahan ala Negeri Sakura ini dihidangkan.
"Memang masakan rumahan orang Jepang sebenarnya tak jauh berbeda dengan masakan Indonesia. Kebanyakan hidangan ikan hanya dibedakan oleh bumbu dan jenis ikannya," kata Shienny Lie, Manajer Operasional Rumah Makan Ootoya, di Plaza Indonesia, Kamis pekan lalu.
Set hidangan okazu ini, menurut Shienny, merupakan masakan rumahan paling umum di seluruh kepulauan Jepang. Sementara tak semua orang Jepang menyantap sushi, sashimi, atau sukiyaki setiap hari.
"Sushi, sashimi, dan sukiyaki adalah menu khusus yang dimakan orang Jepang pada waktu tertentu," kata Shienny. Sushi dan sashimi umumnya dihidangkan pada jamuan makan malam resmi. Sedangkan sukiyaki adalah masakan yang dinikmati pada hari terdingin dalam setahun di negara empat musim itu.
Selain okazu, hidangan mi (men-rui) sering dikonsumsi dalam keseharian masyarakat Jepang. Salah satunya Miso Nikumi Udon. Untuk menu ini, Toyokazu Ikeda, chef kepala di Rumah Makan Ootoya, menjelaskan cara pembuatannya.
"Udon dimasak dengan menggunakan dua macam pasta miso. Kemudian direbus dengan caisim, shitake, ayam panggang, daun bawang, wortel, tahu, sawi putih, dan dihiasi dengan telur setengah matang di atasnya," katanya. Rasanya, hmm... khas mi Jepang dengan kuah manis-asam.
Ada pula masakan bergaya donburi (satu mangkuk nasi dengan topping sayur dan lauk). Chicken Katsu Tojidon disediakan dalam mangkuk nasi dengan ayam goreng tepung yang disiram dengan campuran saus, bawang bombai, dan telur. Di antara semua menu yang Tempo coba, menu yang mirip nasi goreng ini tampaknya bakal paling cocok bagi lidah orang Indonesia.
Hidangan nabe (kukusan) dan yaki (panggang dan goreng) seperti tersedia. Menurut Shienny, bangsa Jepang menyantap makanan yang relatif sederhana dalam kesehariannya. "Tapi disiapkan secara cermat dari sisi gizi atau jumlah kalori makanan. Ini yang jadi keunggulan masakan Jepang," kata dia.
Rumah Makan Ootoya didirikan oleh Mitsumori Eiichi di Stasiun Subway Ikebukuro, Tokyo, pada 1958. Franchise ini telah berkembang menjadi 250 outlet yang tersebar di Asia tahun ini, tiga di antaranya di Indonesia, berlokasi di Senayan City, Pacific Place Mall, dan Plaza Indonesia.
Meskipun Ootoya merupakan rumah makan franchise, penyajiannya berbeda dengan rumah makan franchise lainnya. "Masakan baru dimasak setelah dipesan, made to order. Jadi masakan akan tetap segar ketika dihidangkan," kata Shienny.
Baru-baru ini, Ootoya juga menyediakan menu sushi dan sashimi untuk pelanggannya. "Sushi dan sashimi bukan menu harian orang Jepang. Tapi, karena banyaknya permintaan, kami menyediakan menu ini," kata Shienny. Soal harga, Rumah Makan Ootoya mematok banderol makanan mereka Rp 30-70 ribu. | AMANDRA MUSTIKA MEGARANI
Sushi Vs Sashimi
Keistimewaan sushi serta sashimi terletak pada teknik memotong dan kesegaran ikannya. Toyokazu Ikeda, chef kepala di Rumah Makan Ootoya, menunjukkan demo memasak sushi dan sashimi dalam media gathering pekan lalu.
"Perbedaan antara sushi dan sashimi terletak pada nasi. Sushi selalu dipasangkan dengan nasi, sementara sashimi dapat langsung dinikmati dengan cuka atau wasabi," kata Ikeda dalam bahasa Indonesia yang cukup fasih.
Perbedaan lainnya terletak pada tebalnya potongan ikan. "Untuk sashimi, potongannya berjarak 50 milimeter, sementara sushi tak lebih dari 5 milimeter." Ootoya menyediakan sashimi dan kaisendon (seafood mix) yang dihidangkan bersama wasabi, cuka, dan saus.
Ada berbagai jenis sushi. Ootoya menyediakan sushi jenis nigiri dan maki. Nigirizushi adalah potongan daging sushi yang ditempelkan di atas ikan. Adapun makizushi dibuat dengan cara menggulung daging sushi dan nasi dengan bantuan rumput laut kering (nori) serta tikar bambu.
Daging sushi dan sashimi bermacam-macam: dari udang, tuna, cumi, salmon, bawal mutiara, sampai gurita. "Khusus untuk gurita, tidak boleh dimakan mentah. Harus matang benar," kata Ikeda. Kalau tak matang, daging gurita--yang konon bermanfaat untuk membuat pria perkasa--bisa membuat tubuh gatal-gatal. | AMANDRA MM
Sumber :
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Untuk pelengkapnya, ada asinan, sup, dan sayuran. Atau bisa juga dicoba hidangan serupa dengan ikan makarel panggang yang disajikan dengan parutan lobak Jepang.
Lho, kok hidangan itu tak berbeda dengan hidangan rumahan Indonesia, ya? Apa kabar Sushi, sashimi, dan sukiyaki khas Jepang yang mendunia itu? Nanti dulu, ada cerita menarik dari Restoran Ootoya, tempat makanan rumahan ala Negeri Sakura ini dihidangkan.
"Memang masakan rumahan orang Jepang sebenarnya tak jauh berbeda dengan masakan Indonesia. Kebanyakan hidangan ikan hanya dibedakan oleh bumbu dan jenis ikannya," kata Shienny Lie, Manajer Operasional Rumah Makan Ootoya, di Plaza Indonesia, Kamis pekan lalu.
Set hidangan okazu ini, menurut Shienny, merupakan masakan rumahan paling umum di seluruh kepulauan Jepang. Sementara tak semua orang Jepang menyantap sushi, sashimi, atau sukiyaki setiap hari.
"Sushi, sashimi, dan sukiyaki adalah menu khusus yang dimakan orang Jepang pada waktu tertentu," kata Shienny. Sushi dan sashimi umumnya dihidangkan pada jamuan makan malam resmi. Sedangkan sukiyaki adalah masakan yang dinikmati pada hari terdingin dalam setahun di negara empat musim itu.
Selain okazu, hidangan mi (men-rui) sering dikonsumsi dalam keseharian masyarakat Jepang. Salah satunya Miso Nikumi Udon. Untuk menu ini, Toyokazu Ikeda, chef kepala di Rumah Makan Ootoya, menjelaskan cara pembuatannya.
"Udon dimasak dengan menggunakan dua macam pasta miso. Kemudian direbus dengan caisim, shitake, ayam panggang, daun bawang, wortel, tahu, sawi putih, dan dihiasi dengan telur setengah matang di atasnya," katanya. Rasanya, hmm... khas mi Jepang dengan kuah manis-asam.
Ada pula masakan bergaya donburi (satu mangkuk nasi dengan topping sayur dan lauk). Chicken Katsu Tojidon disediakan dalam mangkuk nasi dengan ayam goreng tepung yang disiram dengan campuran saus, bawang bombai, dan telur. Di antara semua menu yang Tempo coba, menu yang mirip nasi goreng ini tampaknya bakal paling cocok bagi lidah orang Indonesia.
Hidangan nabe (kukusan) dan yaki (panggang dan goreng) seperti tersedia. Menurut Shienny, bangsa Jepang menyantap makanan yang relatif sederhana dalam kesehariannya. "Tapi disiapkan secara cermat dari sisi gizi atau jumlah kalori makanan. Ini yang jadi keunggulan masakan Jepang," kata dia.
Rumah Makan Ootoya didirikan oleh Mitsumori Eiichi di Stasiun Subway Ikebukuro, Tokyo, pada 1958. Franchise ini telah berkembang menjadi 250 outlet yang tersebar di Asia tahun ini, tiga di antaranya di Indonesia, berlokasi di Senayan City, Pacific Place Mall, dan Plaza Indonesia.
Meskipun Ootoya merupakan rumah makan franchise, penyajiannya berbeda dengan rumah makan franchise lainnya. "Masakan baru dimasak setelah dipesan, made to order. Jadi masakan akan tetap segar ketika dihidangkan," kata Shienny.
Baru-baru ini, Ootoya juga menyediakan menu sushi dan sashimi untuk pelanggannya. "Sushi dan sashimi bukan menu harian orang Jepang. Tapi, karena banyaknya permintaan, kami menyediakan menu ini," kata Shienny. Soal harga, Rumah Makan Ootoya mematok banderol makanan mereka Rp 30-70 ribu. | AMANDRA MUSTIKA MEGARANI
Sushi Vs Sashimi
Keistimewaan sushi serta sashimi terletak pada teknik memotong dan kesegaran ikannya. Toyokazu Ikeda, chef kepala di Rumah Makan Ootoya, menunjukkan demo memasak sushi dan sashimi dalam media gathering pekan lalu.
"Perbedaan antara sushi dan sashimi terletak pada nasi. Sushi selalu dipasangkan dengan nasi, sementara sashimi dapat langsung dinikmati dengan cuka atau wasabi," kata Ikeda dalam bahasa Indonesia yang cukup fasih.
Perbedaan lainnya terletak pada tebalnya potongan ikan. "Untuk sashimi, potongannya berjarak 50 milimeter, sementara sushi tak lebih dari 5 milimeter." Ootoya menyediakan sashimi dan kaisendon (seafood mix) yang dihidangkan bersama wasabi, cuka, dan saus.
Ada berbagai jenis sushi. Ootoya menyediakan sushi jenis nigiri dan maki. Nigirizushi adalah potongan daging sushi yang ditempelkan di atas ikan. Adapun makizushi dibuat dengan cara menggulung daging sushi dan nasi dengan bantuan rumput laut kering (nori) serta tikar bambu.
Daging sushi dan sashimi bermacam-macam: dari udang, tuna, cumi, salmon, bawal mutiara, sampai gurita. "Khusus untuk gurita, tidak boleh dimakan mentah. Harus matang benar," kata Ikeda. Kalau tak matang, daging gurita--yang konon bermanfaat untuk membuat pria perkasa--bisa membuat tubuh gatal-gatal. | AMANDRA MM
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Soto with Goose Meat
Soto is a lot of foods preferred by the public. Many variations of the soup, like beef soup or chicken soup, but whether you ever tried to goose meat soup. Looks like the goose soup should be a menu alternative, at the time of fasting and later when widths. Creators goose soup, Chef Budi Prasetyo said the company deliberately chose to alternatives because of goose meat, rarely used as a cooking ingredient.
"If the meat is cooked and is felt no less tasty with chicken." Budi said which is also the Head Chef in the hotel Lor ins. Budi added, to make the necessary soto goose flesh goose which weighed between 1.5 to 1.7 kg. "With between 4-5 months old goose," he said when met in the kitchen Lor In. As for the marinade itself is very easy to obtain, such as tomatoes, celery, green onion.
How to cook the goose soup is quite easy, after the swan goose cleaned boiled for 4-5 hours on a medium heat. The texture of the meat is different so it takes some time. While waiting for meat to cook, prepare supplementary materials such as diamond, salted egg, berkedel, crackers, orange juice, and green sauce.
Budi added, goose soup menu is prepared to welcome Eid this year. "I purposely avoid a food that uses coconut milk." Budi said. In the meantime, can you taste the soup in Sasono Budjono a price of Rp 65 thousand per serving, or maybe you want to make yourself at home by adding other creations. Please try.
Source: Henderson /
See also:
Dim Sum
Sour Sally
"If the meat is cooked and is felt no less tasty with chicken." Budi said which is also the Head Chef in the hotel Lor ins. Budi added, to make the necessary soto goose flesh goose which weighed between 1.5 to 1.7 kg. "With between 4-5 months old goose," he said when met in the kitchen Lor In. As for the marinade itself is very easy to obtain, such as tomatoes, celery, green onion.
How to cook the goose soup is quite easy, after the swan goose cleaned boiled for 4-5 hours on a medium heat. The texture of the meat is different so it takes some time. While waiting for meat to cook, prepare supplementary materials such as diamond, salted egg, berkedel, crackers, orange juice, and green sauce.
Budi added, goose soup menu is prepared to welcome Eid this year. "I purposely avoid a food that uses coconut milk." Budi said. In the meantime, can you taste the soup in Sasono Budjono a price of Rp 65 thousand per serving, or maybe you want to make yourself at home by adding other creations. Please try.
Source: Henderson /
See also:
Dim Sum
Sour Sally
Wine Glass Shape
Apparently, each type of Wine glass shape on their own. A good wine is distinguished from the taste, odor and physical appearance when it played in the glass. All this of course will be supported by proper selection of glasses. In fact there are few wines that can show feeling best only when they are presented in the proper glass.
Wine glass has three main components:
Primary (base): is a major supporter of the glass, and maintain the upright position.
Stem (stem): where you hold the glass so it will not move to the Wine your body heat and also prevent you from leaving marks on the surface of the glass.
Body (body): a place that caters to all taste the drink served.
All wine glasses are designed for wine can be enjoyed in a way that fits. The design of these glasses are not made haphazardly. In general, there are four types of wine glasses are often used, although in special cases this rule can be slightly changed.
Red Wine Glasses
Shape glass for red wine is more rounded than other wine glasses. Stems are also smaller because a lot of people who tend to hold the body while enjoying a glass of this beverage. Glass body parts are also made more broadly so that the wine will be more in contact with air so that makes it to emit a bold aroma and flavor. The complex flavor of red wine becomes softer when in contact with air.
White Wine Glasses
Glass for white wine has a sleek shape with a long stem. This glass body shape resembling the letter U, so that the aroma channeled appropriately and Wine are set to stay cold for a long time. The slim shape will cause people to hold the glass rod, so that white wine is very sensitive to temperature will not be disturbed by body heat peminumnya.
Wine glass white lips form this will distribute wine to the sides and front of the mouth, so that the sweet taste of white wine will actually stroked peminumnya tongue. Variants of this white wine glass a lot, because it depends on the sense of Wine, which is presented. Kerenyahan, Wine age young or old, even the power of white wine will affect the type of glass.
Glass of sparkling wine
Glasses for similar types of sparkling white wine glasses. The difference is, his body a little longer. Forms like this will help when the wine is poured, and hold carbonation in the wine to stay awake as much as possible. Long stalks used for reducing the contact with the body because the type of sparkling wine, like champagne, is very sensitive to changes in temperature or heat the body of the drinker.
Wine glass dessert
Known also as an aperitif glass (alcohol trigger appetite). Usually used to present the port, sherry, liquers and various other types aperitif. Wine is the standard size is 120 ml, the goal is to form a body that is small enough so that the wine will be sent to the rear of the oral cavity, and the sweetness of this dessert wine will not turn off taste in the mouth of peminumnya. Wine of this type typically have a high alcohol content, so the small cups will be perfect for the presentation of dessert wine.
Source: Ade
See also:
Burger King
Sour Sally
Wine glass has three main components:
Primary (base): is a major supporter of the glass, and maintain the upright position.
Stem (stem): where you hold the glass so it will not move to the Wine your body heat and also prevent you from leaving marks on the surface of the glass.
Body (body): a place that caters to all taste the drink served.
All wine glasses are designed for wine can be enjoyed in a way that fits. The design of these glasses are not made haphazardly. In general, there are four types of wine glasses are often used, although in special cases this rule can be slightly changed.
Red Wine Glasses
Shape glass for red wine is more rounded than other wine glasses. Stems are also smaller because a lot of people who tend to hold the body while enjoying a glass of this beverage. Glass body parts are also made more broadly so that the wine will be more in contact with air so that makes it to emit a bold aroma and flavor. The complex flavor of red wine becomes softer when in contact with air.
White Wine Glasses
Glass for white wine has a sleek shape with a long stem. This glass body shape resembling the letter U, so that the aroma channeled appropriately and Wine are set to stay cold for a long time. The slim shape will cause people to hold the glass rod, so that white wine is very sensitive to temperature will not be disturbed by body heat peminumnya.
Wine glass white lips form this will distribute wine to the sides and front of the mouth, so that the sweet taste of white wine will actually stroked peminumnya tongue. Variants of this white wine glass a lot, because it depends on the sense of Wine, which is presented. Kerenyahan, Wine age young or old, even the power of white wine will affect the type of glass.
Glass of sparkling wine
Glasses for similar types of sparkling white wine glasses. The difference is, his body a little longer. Forms like this will help when the wine is poured, and hold carbonation in the wine to stay awake as much as possible. Long stalks used for reducing the contact with the body because the type of sparkling wine, like champagne, is very sensitive to changes in temperature or heat the body of the drinker.
Wine glass dessert
Known also as an aperitif glass (alcohol trigger appetite). Usually used to present the port, sherry, liquers and various other types aperitif. Wine is the standard size is 120 ml, the goal is to form a body that is small enough so that the wine will be sent to the rear of the oral cavity, and the sweetness of this dessert wine will not turn off taste in the mouth of peminumnya. Wine of this type typically have a high alcohol content, so the small cups will be perfect for the presentation of dessert wine.
Source: Ade
See also:
Burger King
Sour Sally
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